It’s no secret that the last couple of years have been trying, tiresome and at times- quite frightening. From political unrest across the globe to the pandemic that took over the world, the past two years in particular have been very distressing. But here at The Will Guys, we have always tried to keep on giving, helping people the best we can with a smile on our faces.

Amidst the turmoil during the COVID-19 pandemic, we recognised how hard our amazing NHS staff were working to keep us all safe and protected from the virus. Like many other people and businesses, we wanted to show our thanks and do something to display the sheer gratitude we felt toward our country’s heroes.

After showing support on social media and clapping on Thursdays, we then decided that we would create an offer to provide free, basic Wills to all members of the NHS and give a 50% discount to their partners. This is a genuine offer that includes free advice and an estate planning appointment with one of our experts. We felt that this was a small way of donating our time to repay the hard work of those on the frontlines during the pandemic.

Even now, two years on, although the threat of COVID-19 has begun to ease, the hard work of our NHS workers has not. Therefore, we decided to extend our Free Wills offer and the response we have received since has been staggering. With over 3000 NHS workers who have benefitted from the offer, it has been a great feeling for us to have been able to give something back to them.


So if you or someone you know may also benefit from this, then please don’t hesitate to contact us today.