We all know that life can be hectic! When you’re busy, it’s easy to forget the little things – like keeping your Will up to date.
However, an old Will could cause difficulties for your loved ones if you pass away unexpectedly.
So when is it time to get a new Will?
Marriage or Civil Partnership
If you get married or enter into a civil partnership, it’s important to write a new Will which includes your spouse or civil partner. This is because they’ll inherit all or part of your estate when you pass away (depending on whether or not you have children).
As well as this any Will that you already have will become invalid after marriage – so it’s essential that you have a new one written up!
Divorce or Separation
Similarly, if you divorce or separate, you’ll need to write a new Will to ensure that this is made clear. While your old Will will remain valid, your former spouse or civil partner will no longer inherit anything from your estate.
Starting A Family
If you start a family, it’s important that you create a new Will to ensure that your child or children will legally inherit part (or all) of your estate if you pass away. It’s also important that you name Guardians in your Will, so that if you do pass away your child or children will be cared for.
Buying A House or Moving House
As any homeowner knows, a house is one of the most expensive things that you’ll ever own. Therefore, it’s crucial that you update your Will to reflect the value of your property if you buy your first home, or if you move to a new one.
It’s important to note that this list isn’t an exhaustive one.